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Derek Coburn on Connecting Value When Networking – Episode 15

Derek began his career as a financial advisor in 1998 and built a successful wealth management practice, which he still runs today.

When the economy took a turn for the worse, he had to devote even more time to his existing clients.

He began using non-traditional networking strategies, which included creating an informal networking group consisting of his best clients and their top advisors.

His passion for connecting remarkable professionals led him to start an “un-networking” community in Washington, DC called cadre, which currently supports over 100 CEOs and business leaders.

He created cadre as a way for top-notch professionals to connect and develop meaningful relationships, efficiently and effectively, with the ultimate goal of working together to promote each other while adding value for their existing clients and network.

The Big Breakthroughs

  • The first big breakthrough for Derek was when he realized his financial clients were as appreciative of the referral business he was bringing them as they were the returns he was getting them on their portfolios.
  • The second breakthrough came when he realized he might have ADD. He was indeed diagnosed with it and was able to help.

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John’s 3 Key Take-aways

  1. Take the time to REALLY understand networking
  2. There is a direct correlation between the number and the quality of connections you have and your net worth
  3. Delivering value on an on-going basis is key to any relationship

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You can download a complete transcript of this entire episode by clicking here.