Anticipate and prepare for future trends ahead of your competition. Gain velocity and agility by executing Daniel Burrus’ specific trend-spotting tactics.

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All entrepreneurs want to get their branding message out. Take it one step further and get the upper hand over your competition. Engage your most undervalued asset—your voice—and advance it as your strategic weapon.

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Want more energy? Most entrepreneurs do. Avoid the toxicity of everyday life and recover the energy you’ve lost along the way. Debi Silber wants you to start making things happen—now.

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Become the hunted instead of the hunter. It makes entirely good sense when you know what’s to be gained. Mike Dillard understands and practices attraction marketing better than anyone. He also recognizes that while gaining new clients can be exciting, its the right new clients that make a difference.

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Discover your passion and don’t give up. Find the right team of professionals to support your goals and share your vision. Even when the chips are down you can still think big and drive hard.

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