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Jeff Moore on The Importance of Asking the Right Questions and Surrounding Yourself with Successful People – Episode 35

Jeff Moore is president and CEO of International Pacific Seafoods and Wild Things Seafood.

He is a trusted advisor to distributors, chain restaurant operators and various industry professionals, and founder of the mastermind group Thursday Night Boardroom with over 400 members currently.

Big Breakthrough

  • Jeff’s big breakthrough was when he realized the power of surrounding himself with mentors. He practices the Jim Rohn quote, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

App of the Day

  • Asana – Your virtual to-do list and project tracking system

Book of the Day


John’s 3 Key Take-aways

  1. Seek first to understand your client and what their real problem is
  2. Recognize you are in a unique position to solve real challenges
  3. Leverage the power of mastermind groups

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You can download a complete transcript of this entire episode by clicking here.